

Jul 7, 2022
Category: General
Posted by: admin

 "Hanrahan" by John o'Brien

"We’ll all be rooned," said Hanrahan,
"Before the year is out.

The droughts, frosts, fires and floods cycle, a bit like the boom and bust cycle, is the basic weather cycle.

CMS - 2.2.14 - T'Sou-ke

Reverse Engineering

Reverse Engineering In Disasters

Reverse engineering, sometimes called back engineering, is a process in which services are deconstructed to extract design information from them.

Often, reverse engineering involves deconstructing individual components of services.

In a disaster the problem is obvious but to find out how this occurred all the processes that lead up to that disaster have to be found so that this information can be used to help prevent or mitigate future episodes.

Any aircraft accident, no matter how small, has to be investigated.
It has been found that these small problems if allowed to be ignored can turn into full blown disasters.

When it comes to floods, fires, tornadoes, droughts, etc. these take

  • time
  • lack of information
  • poor infrastructure

to become a real problem

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