

Jul 7, 2022
Category: General
Posted by: admin

 "Hanrahan" by John o'Brien

"We’ll all be rooned," said Hanrahan,
"Before the year is out.

The droughts, frosts, fires and floods cycle, a bit like the boom and bust cycle, is the basic weather cycle.

CMS - 2.2.14 - T'Sou-ke

The Procrastinatorium

Many books and articles are written on procrastination and how to prevent or get over it.
This is not one of them!

In Australia, there are many Procrastitoriums

We have

The Federal Procrastitorium
The Federal Procrastitorium is that big pasture-covered shack in Canberra where politicians go to Procrastinate!

Then there are the State's Procrastitoriums
These are a bit less opulent than the Federal one.

Next on the list, there are the Local Procrastitoriums
These are a bit less opulent than the State ones, and there are many of them.